A Humble, Heartfelt Note of Appreciation to You
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A Humble, Heartfelt Note of Appreciation to You
I hope these words wash over you like a cup of piping hot cocoa as you sink into an oversized wool blanket-covered lounge chair. Let’s get comfortable. For me, Fall is everything: quieting down, cozying up, preparation. It’s an exhale and excuse to turn inward. It’s a time for radical self-care and appreciation for all we hold dear.
In the spirit of this season, I’d like to share one of my favorite quotes from the incredible Lynne Twist: “What we appreciate appreciates.” In other words, when we pause to notice the good, when we value that which is valuable to us, our positive experience of life expands.
So, my fellow warriors, I’d love to hear: what has given you life, hope and nourishment this year?
From my end, I want to offer some heartfelt gratitude on a tremendous year. Mostly, I’d like to kneel humbly in radical appreciation of you - my community, my clients, my dear friends. Here are some highlights that brought me energy, joy, and meaning this year:
1. Mission, Vision, Values Discovery using Appreciative Inquiry
I have three professional obsessions: the Enneagram, Appreciative Inquiry, and now, Integral Coaching. All affirm that we are whole people with remarkably creative energy for good.
This year, I was privileged to design and guide a client organization through an Appreciative Inquiry process to uncover their Mission, Vision, and Values. It was a bottoms-up, whole system exploration of what makes their company unique and what gives it life - an intentional, powerful start to designing a thriving culture. To top it off, I was joined by my uber talented colleague and friend, Jill Felska. Not only was it fun, it was incredibly moving to see people reconnect to what matters and inspires them, and what they aspire to achieve in collaboration. As we roll out the final MVV over the coming months, I’ll share more with you about the results. Hands down, it was my favorite project all year!
2. Inspiring, Aware Clients
This year, I was invited to join various leadership teams into honest conversations about who they are and what that means for both their strategic and developmental priorities. Huge thank you’s to all of my brave, bold, and brilliant clients, including those at Amazon.com, City of Hope, Medtronic, Community Psychiatry, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and Surgical Care Affiliates, plus the many individual leaders who took on rich personal development work.
3. Some Personal Miracles
My brother, Lane, finished his year-long deployment overseas and will make it home in time to celebrate his daughter’s fifth birthday (and Thanksgiving)! If there was ever a reason to believe in a force bigger than yourself, it’s having a family member in a war zone - three times - and making it home safely after bravely confronting some of the most terrifying realities I hope I never have to know. He is my hero, and now, he’s home!
Finally, in case you haven’t heard, in addition to shepherding our 1.5-year old through the wonders of toddlerhood, Joseph and I are over the moon to be expecting our second child in April 2019! I’ve never felt more grounded in family, more appreciative of partnership, and more present to the importance of play. Life is full and getting fuller.
If we only look to the news cycles or our Twitter feeds to tell us how our lives are going, we’ll all want to crawl back into bed and never see the light of day. Instead, let’s find our own fuel and inspiration by the progress and beauty we are creating. Join me in focusing on what can be done, what growth can be achieved, and all those we can lift up (ourselves included).
- Tags: wellbeing