Testimonials – Wholeness at Work

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"Erin Rocchio’s Enneagram Burnout Card Deck will absolutely surprise and delight you! The Enneagram information is 100% accurate, the activities offered for each type are creative and practical, and the entire set is so beautifully presented. Everyone I show it to wants to grab them for themselves, but I have to say NO! My plan is to give them as luscious gifts and follow her suggested practices on a daily basis."

- Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD
Author of 8 Enneagram books, including Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work, What Type of Leader Are You?, and Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach

“Wholeness at Work came at just the right time, as the end of a trying year came to a close and I transitioned to the next level up in my leadership. I worked through the program at my own pace, as well as directly in my executive coaching engagement with Erin. Through journaling and reflection, I brought my core values to light, and reconnected with my beliefs, and goals for the future. I now have clarity and the tools readily accessible to continue making a difference in my role without sacrificing so much personally. Erin has supported me on my journey to myself, and I finally feel relief from the intense burnout I was experiencing! Thank you.””

- Alicia Adiele
Director, Center for Diversity and Health Equity, Seattle Children’s Hospital

“Wholeness at Work helped me to get clear on what I value, how I conduct myself, and what it takes for me to be at my best. Most importantly, this coaching program helped me to challenge my limiting beliefs – the assumptions and stories..that made me feel limited in my choices, stuck and without options. I gained a feeling of control over my life that I hadn’t felt in many, many years. I felt like I was in the driver’s seat of my career and my life for the first time!”

- Deb Doroni
Certified Healthcare Leadership Coach

“Erin has been an incredible force in my life. I have really taken our time together seriously and have incorporated the practices and new way of being in multiple areas of my life. As a working parent, life can throw many curve balls. Erin worked with me to grow and flow with the curve balls with grace, confidence and passion.”

- Alicia Tieder
Senior Director, Chief Diversity Officer at Seattle Children's Hospital

"The Burnout Recovery Circle series has revealed some of the sources of burnout in my personal and work life and after last year, this program has been a lifesaver! I especially value being part of a group of like-minded leaders; we have created amazing synergy as we have navigated some of the tough issues we face in our organizations. Erin’s expert guidance has brought the Wholeness at Work program to life and I especially appreciate the mind/body exercises she has introduced into my life, such as mediation and journaling."

- Nathan Chappell

“Through my work with Erin, I’ve explored personal habits and patterns that were leading me down a path to burnout. By taking the Wholeness at Work journey, I’m discovering new ways of leaning into my personal habits to better lead my team with a new, healthy, and sustainable perspective. The culture in my organization is shifting since using the tools from Wholeness at Work. I highly recommend it for leaders who want to sustain change for themselves and the teams they lead!””

- Arianna Churchill

"To have a caring person who I knew was committed to me and my success was very meaningful. It had a huge impact on my mental and emotional health. There was a palpable sense of leaving our calls lighter and feeling not alone. It was a lifeline for me in the last 10 months.”

- Chuck O.
Manager at a Tech Company

"I am still processing my Enneagram information - I want to say “revelations.” So much was spot on for my current understanding of myself. I so much appreciated your insights. Your way of sharing the insights about the Enneagram enabled me to absorb and mentally work with those ideas. The insights that you shared about applications of the Enneagram to the work were especially helpful. Much food for thought as I continue to strengthen my practice.”

- Barbara Love
Consultant, Coach, Author, Personal & Organizational Transformation Specialist

“Erin Rocchio‘s new workbook, Wholeness at Work, is not only a piece of art, it is a multi-tiered resource for self-reflection and self-study, one that will enable you to, as Erin says, ‘Free Yourself from Burnout for Good.’ Remarkably, she interweaves the behavior sciences, management theory, neuroscience, and Enneagram theory and practice throughout. Well done!”

- Ginger Lapid-Bogda, PhD
Author of 8 Enneagram books, including Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work, What Type of Leader Are You?, and Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach

"As we endure trying times, understanding internal culture and the legitimate employee needs is more critical today than at any time in the last two decades. Erin illuminates the value of self-understanding, which leads to appreciating and empathizing with staff needs---and also how to how to tactically improve the environment for both individuals and groups. Not only is her content and recommendations powerful, her delivery is inspiring, authentic, and worth every second."

- Randall Hallett
CEO & Founder of Hallett Philanthropy, Education Chair, Southern California Association for Healthcare Development

"I often think about our work together and the process you guided me through. You helped me embody a way of leading from my heart—something that has stayed with me through some of the most high-stakes, high-pressure moments. I am so grateful for the experience of working with you! It was truly transformational. I’ve worked with many coaches over the years, and my experience with you was the most impactful.”

- Molly Montgomery

“The workshop was excellent; the participants continued to discuss it through the week and several have commented to me that they even returned home and shared the info with their teams and families. I look forward to our next occasion to work together.”

- Director Talent Management
Financial Services

“Erin, I appreciate your connectedness and continuous focus on learning and continuous improvement. You bring keen insights and strong process to meeting client needs and building team!”

- Technology Leader

“You have a natural ease being in front of a group and finding a balance to probe for feedback while pushing people outside their comfort zone, but not going too far to have teammates shut down. Thank you for facilitating today.”

- Product Manager

“Erin, thank you for bringing your enthusiasm and passion for positive team development to our team.”

- Chief Information Officer

“The Enneagram process was deeply therapeutic, transformational, and has helped to take me to a new, higher level of performance. And, I’m more calm and confident than ever before in my approach.”

- Global Human Resources Leader
Information Technology

“Erin was accessible, personable, caring, straight-forward, and honest. She was extremely insightful and quickly because a big part of my life and career. I’m truly thankful for her help and coaching.”

- VP Operations
Healthcare (Ambulatory Surgery)

“Erin, you’re so skilled, intuitive, and right on the money with what you’re deducing from our calls. This feels like exactly where I want to be directing attention right now and who I want to be working on it with.”

- Business Owner
Artist, Podcast Host, and Philanthropic Project Leader

“So many things were learned from my 6 month engagement, but at the end of it all I have become a better teammate/husband/father/son/brother/etc. This is a priceless lesson I have learned – I was an ok teammate or I was an ok son before, but now I feel the need to be excellent in everything I do and self-awareness is a major theme in my life.”

- Finance Manager

“You help me see possibility I couldn’t see or imagine before.”

- Regional Vice President
Operations, Healthcare

“I am so impressed at the level of support you give and how much of yourself you dedicate to the experience. I have a visual of a female superhero that heals someone but then walks away a little depleted. You seriously are a ninja…. You have a gift. Truly.'

- Senior Vice President Business Development