Wholeness at Work

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Burnout Card Deck

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Burnout Card Deck

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Burnout Card Deck

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Burnout Card Deck

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Burnout Card Deck

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Burnout Card Deck

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Burnout Card Deck

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Burnout Card Deck

Wholeness at Work: An Overview

The EnneagramXBurnout Card deck is part of the Wholeness at Work brand, and is one of a series of products created for leaders to find sustained performance, real wellbeing and positive impact in their work and life.

Our complete self-guided coaching program, Wholeness at Work teaches the science behind burnout symptoms, provides an understanding of its sources and shares personalized solutions to the chronic power stress of burnout.

Introduction to Erin Rocchio

Learn a little bit more about the author.

For more than fifteen years, Erin has worked with executives across industries to find the sweet spot between business results and personal meaning. She designs and delivers transformational leader, team, and organization development in line with business strategy. Released in 2020, Erin’s inaugural publication, Wholeness at Work: Free Yourself from Burnout for Good, addresses the science behind workplace burnout. She explores the symptoms, sources, and solutions across three levels: individual, relational, and systemic. Her Roadmap to Wholeness supports leaders in finding a lifelong path to sustainable wellbeing in their work.

Erin’s clients are curious, values-driven, emotionally intelligent leaders up to big things. She works with C-level executives at billion-dollar companies and founders of proven start-ups, helping them cultivate sustainable, high-performing leadership teams based on metrics that drive engagement and results. Erin brings a philosophical orientation to her work rooted in Appreciative Inquiry (strengths-based change), the Enneagram personality system, Integral theory, and neuroscience-based organizational and leadership wellbeing.

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